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Heavy Delta 2 is a sequal to the old Quake3Arena mod Heavy Delta. The mod is a simple deathmatch mod with some modifications. You start the game by choosing weapons from a list. The more weapons you take, the more you weight and the slower you ca
Heavy Delta 2 is a sequal to the old Quake3Arena mod Heavy Delta. The mod is a simple deathmatch mod with some modifications. You start the game by choosing weapons from a list. The more weapons you take, the more you weight and the slower you ca
Creative has released a new patch for Unreal® Tournament 2004 with weapons sounds and music enhanced by dSonic, especially to take advantage of the X-Fi card\'s superior firepower and 128 voice
It is a map for the Chicken-Hunter mode, and this mode is not finish so you can\'t really play to this map. The goal of the chicken is to die before the hunter with instabgib gun kill them ... I
This time the Mech has fighter defences protecting the mech sensors, destroy all sensors before the ground assualt. And finally teleport into the mech to shut it down. Bots can complete.
If you like levelerrace give levelerraceturbo a try there\'s so many updates and fixes to this map too many to post! this is a pure race map not a vehicle trials map! boosters all around the track!
A distant planet in a solar system with no sun. The only light on the planet is from the neighboring nebulas and from the mystic energy lanterns on the planet. A medium to large map. Translocator
Welcome to the Terrigenium! We have got 2370 year. This place is a facility builded after defeating local Helions forces in a long battle in 2369. Now this facility is used by Liandri Corporation\'s