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This is the fixed version of the original release, this has the original map name. This is the extended version of the original map. 2 new super hard bonus levels. Fixed the killzone so all is good
Gesnor is the only albino Gen Mo Kai who fights in the tournament. He wishes to revenge the death of his friend and master J.C.L. His mask and costume are a grandfathers inheritance (Normalig, son of kings), the royal suit of the ancestral wars. Gesn
Come one come all, this is the newest remix of a series of remixes. This map has completely new bases, new "secrets" and overall fun. Featuring a new mod for the hellbender, the Racist Bender. For more information on Unreal Tournament 2004, visit
Author: CybZ Map name: AS-PyramidOfTrials-FINAL -----Installation----- AS-PyramidOfTrials-FINAL.ut2 in Maps folder Egypt.utx in Textures folder TFAMap.u in System folder ---------------------- Note: I didn't make the Egypt texture pack
=================================================== Title: The Ninth Gate Version: 1.0 Author: Parkis G Released: 6/6/6 (June 06 2006) Email: parkisg@cox.net Description: Bernie's Bookstore from the movie "The Ninth Gate" with are