AS-Mythology Author: Frase Maps also by this author: AS-Project AS-Fortress (shit) AS-SLTopia v1-3 (outstanding) Installation: Just put the map file (AS-Mythology.ut2) in your UT2004/Maps folder, no other files are neccessary. Not
Outpt Presents... ---- [ DM-WarmBody - Unreal Tournament 2004 Map ] ---- ---- [ 1 - General Information ] ---- Title: DM-WarmBody Type: DeathMatch Description: Cool off in a snowy remote mountain village. However, all is not what it
Regenaration Extra Mutator By Rorios Installation: Put the .U and .INT files into you ut2003System Directory Then Start the game and try it. Enjoy P.S. this is my first mutator so it's a pretty simple Idea, I think it may also work on
I initially came up with a basic layout for this map early in the year during Physics class at highschool. The layout changed, grew... etc... Then the theme. originally the map was set at night time
A Fast paced map designed for quick and easy to pick up action. Set in a Slaughter Chamber this map is not designed to be pretty. But some people like it, usually the ones who aren't being killed. From thehead
Ending Sequence by Evil Cap D & Epic Games for Unreal Tournament 2004 The Single Player Ending Turned into a Deathmatch Installion-- Just dump the DM-eVil-EndGame.ut2 file into maps,
This patch for The Awakening mod upgades any version of the mod to version 1.03 and includes the following fixes: [quote] * Patch 1.0.3 Fixes: Fix note paper stuck on screen - in