DM-DangerZone-beta1 Small arena style map for 2-8 players. Includes skorbut statics, music, and weather effects. Installation instructions- Extract .usx to static mesh folder of UT2004.
Author\'s comments: IF your a fan of my map Mesa\'s and your one of the 3000 downloads, Then this map is for you. The Battles continue high atop these Mesa\'s in this dark dry and barren
This character was made for UT2004 and as with all my UT2004 stuff is unsupported and won't work as it's designed in UT2003. This has full 4 team gametype support and a custom species included for better gameplay. For UT200X files by this author,
Welcome to a tournament on an ocean front metropolis, where players will find themselves competing in a visually stunning deco urban atmosphere. Our intricate Boardwalk Plaza offers a variety of
In Ancient Egypt, the beetle was considered the god of Love, Life and Creation. A temple named Anukhet was created to honour him. Hundered of years later, the Liandri turned it into a bloody
The two great nations, finally at peace after centuries of war, devised a plan to create a monumental structure utilizing their skills of architecture and hydro-electric energy. A tragedy occured before it was completed, the vision was abandoned, and
A race-style map. Several insteresting twists and turns, like mines and the OMFG Gun. ~~~~~~ Hellbender Race [Nightmare] PreFinal by Evil Cap D for Unreal Tournament 2004 You ask for it, and you
This is an alpha version M1 Abrams for UT2004. UV map is not finished and the model needs a little work. Code may never be finished ;) Immediate additions will be a gravity affected projectile and 2 MG's on the turret. -Magnum