Animated Robot [Artificial Lifeform] for UT2004. This has full 4 team gametype support. This character was made for UT2004 and as with all my UT2004 stuff is unsupported in UT2003. For UT200X files by this author, updates, a full list of downloa
This is a level based off the TV series Stargate:SG-1, it includes 2 linked stargates, a wormhole effect, the stargate theme song, and much more, enjoy!
This map is a conversion of the classic SpaceNoxx of Unreal Tournament. The map has an aspect very similar to the original, it has the same textures, the same music and contain the same weapons than the original. Finally saying that all playerStar
A sanctuary for migrating birds, the Liandri Corporation purchased this facility from an eccentric conservationist and transformed it into a small, brutal arena for capture-the-flag. One must be as
This facility was supposed to be part of a massive power generator for a series of skyscrapers, however due to constraints of time and money the skyscrapers were never completed, neither was the