An ancient temple built by an ancient unkown society was discovered during the war in Vietnam. United States soldiers added on to the temple to cover themselves from weapon fire and weather. The National Historical Society found it again and just unt
This Soft will help you to launch any mod installed into your UT2004\'s Folder. You will be able to create automatically desktop shortcut of your mods after selecting the mod.
In an unusual move, Liandri commissionned an elite team of engineers and architects to design and build a Tournament arena optimized for Deathmatch games, instead of buying and adapting yet another abandoned building or factory. DM-Ladders is the res
This version is an update to my UT2003 version, CTF-Lucius2003 (released with permission from the original mapper, Clay). CTF-Lucius2004SE changes ------------------------ -Window in lower entry way functions better (players would sometimes be
In a few short years, she proved herself to be the most effective demolitions expert and sniper in the Galactic Specialists Combat Unit. But she and her twin sister were framed for the murder of a 6