A multiverse at war. The never ending battle between the forces of good and evil, the struggle to rid the vast reaches of space from the terror that is Chaos. Only one has the power to tip the balance against a force that consumes worlds, and that on
This map is apparently based on ONS-Dawn. The bases are subterranean, accessed by jumping into an opening in the ground. The bases have large aquariums like the ones at \"Marine World\" type
An ancient temple built by an ancient unkown society was discovered during the war in Vietnam. United States soldiers added on to the temple to cover themselves from fire and weather. The National Historical Society found it again and just until rece
The Skycaster - modeled, and skinned by Xen with a great metallic shader finish thanks to EvilEngine. This video features the weapon's primary and alt fire modes.
From the author: This map is one of my biggest productions, I took everything to heart in the creation of this, read back over as many old reviews for other maps as possible, and even took a big
When you use jump up and down on the rock wall, you achieve smallish hurts or effective sideway jumps before your enemies. You hear the sound for other material as ground,water,wood... and you hear sound details. I was very like when somebody writ