This is a medium/Large sized CTF map for UT2004. This is a semi outdoors map with each flag located in a building at each side of the map. This map has many routes from base to base and is good fun to play.
This is a small hectic UT2004 iCTF map, this is often played on public servers. The layout of the map is simple although you can use the roof of the bases to good effect.
This is a small ut2004 CTF map made mainly for the UT2004 iCTF open cup. This is a well made map although sometimes it can be difficult to get the flag out of the bases due to the layout of the map.
This is a remake of a classic unreal tournament map, this is based in a house with flags in each bedroom, fight your way from bedroom to bedroom to get the caps to win.
This program is a modification to ut2004 that allows you to use a new mapvote, this is for server admins to install only. This allows many new features which you arent able to use with the standard mapvote.
Convert all your downloaded files from you cache into their proper areas, this program means you will not have to keep downloading files over and over again.
This is the texture file used on the Celtic War Lordz UT2004 server. You will be required to download this to use the server, although you can download it automatically from the server, if you encounter any problems you can download it here.
TechniqueBalanceFun FactorCreativityGameplay9888 10Overall Rating:Reviewer:Requirements:8.9 / 10KouenUT2004 Mega Bonus Pack Well, here's a big one. Quarter of a gigabyte of content here, ladies