hey folks... this is an updated version of the map i did for 2003. i've had several compliments on the 2003 version, but also some critical feedback as to how it could have been better. this version is how i MEANT it to be in the first place. the
Storyline Once the jewel of the Liandri distribution network this station fell into disuse, along with thousands of others, when Liandri switched all of its resources over to its most profitable enterprise, the Tournament. Interestingly enough,
X90 information X90 the return of kriegor. size 1 23 MB autor TMK Devils Fear instalation putt the utx in C ut2004 textures putt the upl in C ut2004 system Team Colors YES
information: this is a skin i made whit upaint, paint, paint shop pro. it is a combination of axon and xan and some filters. instalation: upl ---- C:ut2004system utx ---- C:ut2004 extures termination: unzip it and kill even your biggest f
Nightstalker is a pitch black Widowmaker with EYES :/ Don\'t worry. I didn\'t just use Upaint and color his whole body black. Though I did that with him before I had photoshop... He is complete with