Set in a post-apocalyptic city, this updated version of ONS-Nevermore includes all the new vehicles released with the official ECE bonus pack for UT2004. In addition to the new vehicles this version provides many other gameplay improvements such as n
This map is the best remake of tly I have ever seen kudos to the man xblue_cn for making me the happiest I have ever been in a long time now all I need is a QuakeIII weapons mod :D
Nurulwai\'s exciting pack of weapons which were created from a few boring nights. The most exciting weapon is the Barrel Bomber - primary drops down a barrel in front of you and secondary detonates
[quote] Wow, this is by far one of the cooler mods I have played. You start as a Skaarj, and you can pick up power-ups that allow you to morph into other kinds of monsters with different powers.
License for ServerExt Open Unreal Mod License Version 1, March 2004 0. Definitions "Program" the work, either in binary or source form, that has a notice attached to it stating that it has been released under this license it by