If you havnt notcied yet, im pretty sure this is the level from the last part of the single player intro video. If you look around, youll find a redeemer. Sorry for the lack of screenies but its a
First words: OH, MY GOD!!! I am so glad i found this file!! It\'s kik-ass!!!! I\'m sorry i cannot hold in my excitment in for this! Lemmie explain: Basically, this mod turns UT2004, into a whole new
A unique map that in my opinion, looks like something from a fariy tale containing elves! Not saying thats bad either as this map will keep you exploring rather than battling. A giant fault splits
My review of ONS-Grit: [quote]This map feels like it\'s in Egypt, what with all the deserts and pyramids around (Did that skybox come with the game?) but also kinda feels like Stargate, if you\'ve
ONS-Grit, desert at night? Well I had my reservations but this map turned out to be a pretty cool new look on the original map by Vance. Sure, the cool skybox has now gone and the whole desert dry
Some changes were made to this new version, here is a list of them: [quote] Version 1.9 - Increased Buggy health. - Special events can happen at OverTime. - New map, CB-PotHoles. - Increased
[quote] Version 2.0 - New Vehicle added, the BigWheel. - Ingame vehicle settings menu. - Several maps updated. - Patched a suicide exploit. - Added more empty vehicle