My readme for my amazing looking maps! ============================================================ ============================================================ This level is so Bud, so Bud in fact you could get very drunk. Title: Mb-Bud Filen
This map Presents one real decision: to march forward to the flag by means of a quick, dangerous path, or a mess of more time consuming jumps and skips that are a bit more stealthy. The lava serves as a nice, warm reminder that you could die at any m
The two great nations, finally at peace after centuries of war, devised a plan to create a monumental structure utilizing their skills of architecture and hydro-electric energy. A tragedy occured before it was completed, the vision was abandoned, and
A 4-10 player, capture the flag map from goldfenix. A conversion from BR-Ramses into a capture the flag match. I put assault paths in after I submitted it unfortunately, but still, enjoy it!
*******************************CTF-Retribution***************************** *****************************FINAL VERSION README***************************** Map Title : CTF - Retribution_Final (CTF - moonglade_2005 by Daramus Research) Release D
ReadMe for CTF-Opposite for Unreal Tournament 2k4 ------------------------------------------------- Title: Opposite Filename: CTF-Opposite Author: Oscar Crego eMail Address: Release Date: August 13, 2005 Version
{ tf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1031{fonttbl{f0fswissfcharset0 Arial;}} {*generator Msftedit;}viewkind4uc1pardf0fs20 Hi there.par par This Map is a portable from our DM Map. The Beamers and the Super Shock Rifle are removed. So it is