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CTF Eightball

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-11-02 23:11:00
17 просмотров
that came to them with the invasion of the sky demons. Their secret retreat was discovered by the demons, however, and the ruins of the temple complex they erected there are all that remains. Perhaps, had they decided to turn the Staff upon the demons, you would not be here now to spill yet more blood upon this sacred soil... ------------------------------- CTF-Eightball is a large, deceptively complex capture-the-flag map for up to 16+ players,though it works best with about ten. Strategy is key - it is highly recommended that larger teams use communication to their advantage. Gameplay occurs as much vertically as it does horizontally; a series of mesas, towers, and passages make sneak attacks and feints possible, while sinuous deviations in terrain altitude provide a measure of cover from direct fire. Even at distances, however, splash weapons are brutally effective - and, of course, what would a map named "Eightball" be without rocket launchers right next to each base? Spiraling ramps inside the towers connect the various levels of the map together and provide access to the sniper nests. Weapons with linear fire patterns are placed high, while splash weapons are located at the low points of the sandy ledges running around the perimeter of the map. Spider mines are placed in the lowermost section for defensive purposes. A Redeemer occupies the center of the map, with a super health in the passages beneath it.
Hidden deep within the remote Atairu Desert on the planet of Na Pali, Eightball Canyon was claimed long ago by Nali who worshiped the divine origins of the Staff of Eight Fires - a mythic artifact
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