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DM-Impact Arena

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-04-10 00:04:00
19 просмотров
mobility and close combat. Perfect for Impact Hammer! 2 jump pads on the end of each section of the cross, allow the players to criscross the action in the air for unstoppable craziness. 4 sets of 3 jump pads below the main section can be used to save yourself from the lava pit. That section (from the lower pads, to the lava) also contain an anti-gravity well which can save you from molten death. It is NOT strong enough to save you from a direct fall, but you can dodge off the wall to stall yourself long enough for the gravity to effect you and pull you back up so you can reach a jump pad to get back into the action. The anti-gravity well starts where the Blue line is, around the wall on the map. So dodging off the wall right around that area will have the best effects. The 20 jump pads, and the addition of a gravity well, add strategic depth to a simple, though crazy, level. ~Szico VII~
Good old fashioned, UT Impact Hammer fun! The level does include standard weapons, if Impact Hammer isn't your like. Level Details: Two narrow platforms, in a cross formation, for limited
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