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DM TempleOfScrotius2006

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-06-10 00:06:00
11 просмотров
Lots of emphasis on Z-Axis combat - Fast pace with a sort of \"winner stays on\" mechanic - Egyptian theme. Changes from the UT2003 remake: - It doest follow the plan quite as religiously as my first remake, the level is now rotationally symmetrical, as opposed to linearly. It\'s a little bit more focused now, and as a consequence has a smaller recommended player number. It works well with bots and humans. I\'ve tried to use lots of BSP instead of static meshes in the construction of the map, and it has worked well, still looks detailed and has more realistic lighting and higher frame rate.
A remake of DM-TempleOfScrotius from UT1999 and UT2003, my first level. The main points of this level for those who havent played it were: - Small focused DM centered around a three layered arena -
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