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DM UCMP2 Saiko

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-11-09 00:11:00
12 просмотров
of time before someone snapped. When it finally happened, it resulted in 7 casualties, all caused by one case of mental insanity. Unbeknownst of what it would do to the company, the newspapers nicknamed it the case of \"The Saiko killer\". Saiko\'s competitors cleverly played onto these circumstances and smothered the company\'s good name. Despite a quick namechange, the former Saiko company never recovered from the incident. It\'s all gone now. The dreary halls no longer echo the loud activity that once took place here. Silence ruled the corridors for years, up until very recently. Be on the lookout when entering the former workfloor, because depression and fear were common factors when the place was active...
There used to be a time that the Saiko company was a flourishing enterprise, a leader in the gas industry. However, for employees, the days were long and filled with many risks. It was only a matter
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