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Добавил: The DSystem
2008-11-02 23:11:00
15 просмотров
whole kitchen is highly detailed and brings the player into an allusion that the kitchen is real. Cabinets are hinged open, things are left around, posters are on the walls, even cans of Red Bull can be found scattered around the map. Who ever lived here before must have been sloppy. In this map, mouse traps and spatulas act as jumping platforms, while rulers and other hard surfaces are your walkways. Weapons can be found throughout the map on shelves, the floor, and the table alike. The map is best with 12 to 20 players. The map does support offline bots, so you can practice and learn where everything is before you go killing your friends online. To visit the author's website for more information and help dealing with the map, visit [url="http://wauzie.com/kitchen"]wauzie.com[/url].
DM-WauzKitchen is a deathmatch map that puts you, the player, into a detailed kitchen brawl. In this map, the player is the size of a mouse and gets to see everything from a new, bigger view. The
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