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Bruce Campbell Voice Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-09-05 00:09:00
13 просмотров
archive that contains only one of each sounds with 8-bit, 22 kHz mono .WAV files; these are taken from the early 80s and 90s as he started his career timeline. Some of the samples are extremely complete and understandable with cover all the bases here except with the Name/Leader sounds. GoldWave 5 is used to increase the volume of all the samples, it should be more audible above the sounds of gunfire and explosions. The same sounds in the Others section are used for Double Domination gametype. I would admit it that there are more samples of him in the early 21st Century and compiled them to the new pack of Bruce Campbell. I hope you will enjoy this pack.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]A legendary B movie actor makes an appearance for UT2004. All samples are downloaded from \"Official Bruce Campbell Sound Library\" I would be credited to that link with the contents of ZIP
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