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StarFleet Logo Souces

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-10-30 00:10:00
20 просмотров
if you dont have photoshop. Anyway, I also did this in a new way so that you don't overwrite anything, and you can play online just fine. Thanks to the guest who posted in the other forum and told me how to do it. Without him, you would not be able to play with your custom team symbol. So thanks for that. If you give me your name, ill give you credit ;) Another important note i forgot to mention in my tutorail. When importing the file, make sure you check the "alapha" box or it wont work, thats all Have fun with this ;)
These are the source files and coomplete finished files for my starfleet team symbol. This isnt much a mod, its more of an advanced tutorial so you can see what I did, and still import the logo even
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