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UT2004 Hellbender Video LQ

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-22 00:08:00
13 просмотров
[url="http://www.unrealops.com/"]Unreal Ops[/url] during their visit to Epic![quote]As you can hear from the footage this vehicle is more than just a 'Warthog' clone. It can carry 3 passengers inside. The front is the Driver, the middle is the Top Gunner and the back is the Main Gunner. The Hellbender is not as fast as the Manta or Scorpion but it still moves pretty quick for the amount of punch it dishes out. While not as versatile as the Raptor and not as deadly as the Battle Tank, it is definitely an all around nice weapon/transport.While the weapons still aren't 100% finished o­n it, the look and feel of the HB is pretty cool. It is a good cover vehicle for ground troops.[/quote]Definately check out this vid!
Note: This is a 320x240 sized video for Windows Media Player. There's also a 640x480 video available [file="17929"]here[/file]! Shakycam footage of UT2004 shot by
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