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This model pack contains 3 models: Darth Vader, Desann, and the Mark 1 robot. These are characters from Jedi Outcast and include team colors. Darth Vader and Desann come with special taunts and various voice commands. The Mark 1 model will use the bo
No custom voice pack for her, though, but there are custom animations, including some nice flirty taunts. Miko Fox Model for Unreal Tournament 2004 and soon once again for Half life (Sven coop mod) This little Foxette is uses a moddified little
Extract the System, Textures and Animation folders to your UT2K4 directory. I created the mesh in December 2004 through January 2004. She was set up as a UT2K4 character April 2005. I noticed that although there were a lot of nude skins for UT2
Modeler:UbH aka Devinrayolsen Bugs: pardon the pun. Bugs douse have errors textures are not as nice at I would like them to be ,His ears dont have there own bounce no carrot and no sound, but I have been placed on a schudel so if I can stand it Il
This cool, little model changes the normal defualt player into Bugs Bunny. The owner says he doesn\'t come with a carrot lol. Download this now and leave some feedback on how you find it :rock: