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Install: Place the TIMPRV.u and TIMPRV.ucl files into the system folder. Mapmakers: To insert it into a map, first open the map (duh). Then bring up the actor browser and click file -> open. Select the TIMPRV.u file. Now add a HellbenderFactory
The Zip contains two models, one the Female Soldier Sniper and Female Soldier Assault, with team colors. I used the UT99 female soldier mesh and combined it with parts of the new UT2K4 Merc female.
I've been playing with this for a while now it is one of the very few models that I actually like 100% no complaints about anything The ultimate cyberchick hybrid. Don't be fooled when she
Drop all folders into ut2004 directory. Intended for adult use. DMAN uses Adult language. Character (c) Team D-MAN! Feel free to post this on model sites as long as "DMAN" is given credit.
LittleEris type android with KouRyuu's boosters which color like a ageha (swallowtailed butterfly) thankyou jengirl for 3 more images (6,7 and 9) :) -OLIAX
AUTHOR: Morbid_Murder, aka Gothic_Knight, aka Twisted_Knight, aka Malyidian. GAME: UT2004 EMAIL: Malfius@msn.com (Email for any quesions or bugs reports) AlteredECE....Description: This the ECE vehicles but with some changes. You can now use