JuggernAlz was found in a discharge. His memory was mulfunctioning but soon was reset. In a couple of days JuggernAlz was driven in a minor Deathmatch tournament winning it! His new owner has recently decide to inscribe him in the well-known Unreal Tourna
Copy and paste this line in XPlayers.int in UT2004/System folder: JuggernAlzAA="Name: JuggernAlz|Age: 100(?)|Race: Cyborg||Data:|JuggernAlz was found in a discharge. His memory was mulfunctioning but soon was reset. In a couple of days JuggernAlz
- File Name:
- juggernalz_ut2k4.zip
- File Size:
- 3.2 MB
- Download Last 2 Week:
- 8
- Downloads All Time:
- 298