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Stakeout Mutator

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-03-03 23:03:00
19 просмотров
then carry their corpse around as a trophy. Note. hold the pike fire in to hold the ragdolls longer. I need to mess with the vehicles a little more but the pike and stakes do damage them. If you stand on a vehicle and fire the pike down at it, the vehicle will lift off and take you up. If you hit a vehicle with the pike it will come to a halt. PLay in the goodkarma map with the pike and you can play rugby (American football?) with the karma balls. included is:- stakeout Arena mutator:- You must use this arena mutator so that the stakes can be picked out of the walls. Stakelauncher Mutator:- replaces the lightning gun with the stakelauncher I would like to recommend this mutator (NOT MINE, no point re-inventing the wheel): http://www.ut2003hq.com/downit2.php?ID=5393 to replace the default inventory with the pike and the stake launcher. I found that replacing the shield gun with the PIKE and the Assault rifle with the stakelauncher works best.
Stakeout is a mutator that allows you to kill your enemies with a wooden stake. On impact the dead body is pinned to the wall... muuhhhaaaa! Also we now have a PIKE to impale you friends on. You can
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