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Crotch Shot Pro

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-07-01 22:07:00
11 просмотров
crotch shots without dying will make you a Crotch Master. Five crotch shots without dying, and you will achieve Crotch Domination! -------------------------- Featured Mutators: -------------------------- [i]MutCrotchShotPro:[/i] Adds crotch shot capability to any lightning guns or sniper rifles. This is the mutator to use if you want to add crotch shots to lightning guns or sniper rifles that already exist in the map. [i]MutCrotchLightningGuns:[/i] Replaces all sniper rifles with crotch shot enabled lightning guns. This is the crotch shot version of the standard Use Lightning mutator. [i]MutCrotchSniperRifles:[/i] Replaces all lightning guns with crotch shot enabled sniper rifles. This is the crotch shot version of the standard Use Sniper mutator. [i]MutCrotchArena:[/i] Replaces all weapons with a crotch shot enabled weapon. This is the crotch shot version of the standard Arena mutator. You can select crotch shot enabled lightning guns or sniper rifles to use in the arena match. [i]MutCrotchstaGib:[/i] Instant-kill combat with modified shock rifles. This is the crotch shot version of the standard InstaGib mutator. Head shots are also enabled by this mutator, and zoom is a configurable option. [i]MutCrotchShotUpKick:[/i] Adds extra upkick to ragdolls from fatal crotch shots. This mutator is a companion for any of the crotch shot weapon mutators. It basically determines how high players jump when they die from a crotch shot. -------------- Changes: -------------- - Created specific crotch shot versions of the lightning gun, sniper rifle, and super shock rifles and crotch shot damage types for each new weapon. - Created crotch shot versions of all the standard mutators in the Arena group. - Added head shot code to the super shock rifles and created the corresponding head shot damage types. - Created a separate add-on mutator for crotch shot death upkick. - Switched the crotch shot checks to use the RootBone location and animation prediction like standard head shots.
This package has mutators which add crotch shot capability to the lightning gun, sniper rifle, and super shock rifle. A crotch shot, naturally, has devastating results for the recipient. Three
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