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Stratus Weapons

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-09-01 22:09:00
14 просмотров
Screen GFX by sLAzer Weapons: Primary Fire: Rapid Automatic Secondary Fire: Riot Control Disc Primary Fire: Medium Automatic Secondary Fire: \'Gangsta\' style pinpillin\' (Rapid Automatic) Notes: Can have akimbo, but due to stress on the bearer alt-fire is limited to one weapon. Primary Fire: Sluggish Automatic (accurate) Secondary Fire: Rapid Automatic (inaccurate) Notes: Armour Piercing Rounds | see \'GII\' Primary Fire: Low Range Buckshot Secondary Fire: Compressed buckshot rounds (heavier = slower velocity) explodes on contact due to internal pressure caused Primary Fire: Rapid Automatic Secondary Fire: Scope Notes: Initial fire is accurate but prolonged fire time is not recommended Primary Fire: Medium Automatic Secondary Fire: Fragmentation Grenade Notes: Armour Piercing Rounds Primary Fire: Nail Grenade (strictly anti-personnel) Secondary Fire: Fragmentation Grenade (strictly anti-vehicular) Primary Fire: Bolt-Action Rounds Secondary Fire: Scope Notes: Fires experimental compacted rounds, creates a trail of vapour, explodes on contact
Team Members: Skeedish (Mod Leader) PartySam (Co-Leader) Hilikus (Modeller) Pierre-Simon (Modeller) EvilMonkey (Skinner) Kryptic (Music Artist) Grekster (Web) Concept art by Andy
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