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CBP2 Volume 1

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-05-20 00:05:00
19 просмотров
play. The middle power node is the turning point in the game get that your pretty much home free....hopefully ;) Argento is a very good map love the idea one thing I have to say about this map is it is to bright. Power nodes also well placed. Valarna is a very big map this map has to be my favorite ONS map released in the CBP2. Mirage was very fun to play when I was on our server action packed map :). As far as the models go they had some interesting ones Aurora is a Matrix look alike but has totally different features on the body. Well glumpf looks strange can’t explain it...he kind of looks like a snakeish looking creature. GothGirl is a very hot modeled model :) ;) karaash looks like he is the same race of glumpf but this model is green and has a bit different clothing. To keep you from having to read all this I’ll shut up now and let you download it ;) (I'm sorry I couldn’t list all the maps / features of this CBP there’s just so many! :) ) Enjoy! -RedTechie [b]FF|review:[/b] Two words: worth it. [url="http://unrealtournament2004.filefront.com/file/CBP2_Volume_2;26550"]Volume 2[/url]
TONS of new maps very high in detail! More Models added! Mutator added! And More Skins. Tropica is a very fun map to play on the power nodes are placed in nicely located spots to add to the game
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