\\UT2004\\system\\TeamSnakeEyes2Bio.int # \\UT2004\\system\\TeamSnakeEyes2Bio.det -7 new Characters (3 male, 3 female and 1 cybernetic) will be installed. -Any Team-member has a Standart Outfit and 4 Team-Colors (Red,Blue,Green and Gold) for usage with mods making up to 4 Teams possible. -Each Member has diffrent skills,stats and bio. -All characters are also playable in Single-Player-Mode. -Adds Team-Wallpapers in your UT-directory. *UT2k4-TeamSnakeEyes2-ReadMe.txt: Gives you some infos about the product. By the way you\'re reading it at the moment..... -----------------------------------Char Info---------------------------------- *MaleB Body: I repainted Torch\'s Suit and combined it with Brock\'s and Malcolm`s *FemaleB Body: I repainted Blackjack\'s Suit *Jet: I repaintet Cathode`s suit, and combined the face with parts of Divisor`s *Neos: I took the face of my brother Thomas *Desertrain: I took the face of Memphis and revised it *Titan: I took the face of a friend of me (Christian) *Dileila: I took the face of Cleopatra and revised it *Killjoy: I took the faces of Wraith and Torch, then revised it *Gold: I took the face of Asp and revised it [/quote]
[quote] *UT2k4-TeamSnakeEyes2.u4tmod: -installs the files:# \\UT2004\\textures\\TeamSnakeEyes2.utx # \\UT2004\\system\\TeamSnakeEyes2.upl #
- File Name:
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- File Size:
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