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============================================================================= Title : The GardenExtreme Filename : DM-TheGardenExtreme.unr Version : 2.1
Copy the file 'DM-The Dark Town' to the C:UnrealTournamentMaps. Copy the file 'cus1.utx' to the c:UnrealTournamentTextures. Copy the file 'matex.utx' to the c:UnrealTournamentTextures.
I make this map for the fun and to try how to work u
So this is my first level. I'm not sure if you will like it or not but hay I tried. I've been fiddling with the editor ever since the days of unreal. It was time I said to finnish a level. So this is it... Though this is just the beginning.
================================================================ Title : BANK VAULT (-Final Version-) Filename : AS-BANKVAULT.unr Author : David R. Lamberson (OSM
File info Title DM TokaysTowers Name Tokay s Towers Version 2.0 Author The Porcelain Aardvark Date released 7.1.2001 E mail acousticthreshold hotmail.com Website