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Extract all files to there relavant folders. .utx to textures and .unr to maps. This map started out as version 1 hence the 3 revsion. As iv e learnt more about UnrealEd iv e added more to the map. Hope you like it.
Designed for: Unreal Tournament Author: Syrus Installation: Extract: - Warlord.umx to Tournament's Music folder - ChurchOfSin.utx to Tournament's Textures Folder
"So cold is it, when I see the beast, the Chimeara of the snow. It beckons me as I try to flee, but my legs are numbed by the frost. It makes a sound now, a sound that shall haunt my soul forever...."
================================================================ Title : Chilopoda's Outpost Version : 1.0 Release Date : April 2001 Filename : DM-Chilopoda.zip Author