Talon Mercenaries, a group of off world fighters in it purely for the money. They train in low gravity environments and keep score and send messages using the LCD displays mounted on their backs.
Warning Nude Skin: "The sucubi are genetic engineer pleasure slaves. Have grown tired of prostution some have entered the tournament in the hope of bying their freedom. They put their extra mouths to good use crewing on the remains of their oponents." fro
There have been many superhero clubs and groups, but none so ruthless as Storm Watch! They would much rather use their powers for some heavy duty maiming than saving the planet or fighting crime! Superman watch out!
Armigerent....... by Owen Oliver ----------------------------------------------------- contact............o1oliver@usa.net ----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
To use the PussySkin copy the SGirlSkins_puss.int in your UnrealtournamentSystem folder and the SGirlSkins_puss.utx in your Unrealtournament extures folder!