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MapName: The Bad Place MapFileName: DM-BadPlace Author: [SW]Dirty_Harry Email: mnmoose@netnet.net Place the file DM-BadPlace in Unreal Tournament/Maps folder. Place the file Newmca13.umx in Unreal Tournament/Music folder. Place the file Q
Large map set in a living room with plenty of great sniping spots and dark corners to hide in. For all the people who have made great sniping levels, just trying to giving something back. New version of snipers livingroom a couple more snipping spots
New Sounds : No New Textures : No New Music : No = -=[File ]=- Radiant-Logo-Map.unr Radiant-Logo-Map.unr.txt Radiant-Logo-Map.jpg = -=[ Construction ]=- Build Time : 1 night Editors used : UnrealEd 2.0 (436patch) = wha
___________________ title: DM-1on1-Rajan file: DM-Rajan.zip author: Christian "Swanky" Ahlborn email address: chunky@surfeu.de ___________________ play information Bots: yes new sounds: no new graphics: no new music: no how to play
DM-TUC~Condo place .utx file into your UnrealTournament/Texture file place .umx file into your UnrealTournament/Music file place .unr file into your UnrealTournament/Maps file play I have modded my DM-Condo map by adding some animated text