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This is my first stage so don't expect anything grand or super-flashy, but just enjoy the stage as I enjoyed making it. The only error I know of is that at the very start of the map one person
Hello, this is my first Unreal Tournament Level, and I think it looks like a rookie's work but I hope i'll get more hints, to make a real cool map. First: There are only few Spawnpoints, it may be that you are killed if you respawn, I'll fix that
================================================================ Title : Morte's Cathedral (Final) Version : 1.1 Release Date : Now (June 2003) Filename : DM-MortesCathedral.unr
After testing a map of mine, I'm asking you to fill out the form below and email it to themadone16@yahoo.co.uk. This way I can keep my maps more user-friendly by updating them to what you might like. -------------------------------------
Read Me For DoC RED DRAGON Maps Author Red Dragon To Install Unzip the .unr file to UnrealTournament Maps folder Unzip the .umx file to UnrealTournament Music