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================================================================ Title : CTF-BelowTheCaces Version : 1.0 Release Date : March 5, 2000 Filename : CTF-BelowTheCaves.unr Author
CTF-Beyond-Map Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : CTF-Beyond; final build Author : Original author unknown, Converted from an Unreal Deathmatch by Death Email : sno
CTF Bedrooms b I liked this map fromt he first time I played it. I tweaked it and the bots are far better now. They use the outdoor area They use all routes to attack your base. A very good
=============================================================== Unreal Tournament™ Level -- Revenge of the Small ===============================================================
well here ya go...Been makin maps for 2 years and just now sending you (officialy) my first for you to check out..FYI..i made DmBronx,dmPC,dmSurgery,Real_Civil War and many many more...im not much into the AWSOME look of the map..playablety come firs