Displays a replication of your targets spell casting bar on your UI, which can be moved around. Spell casting time is not something that is available to your WoW client, so I have provided cast
This mod makes it easier to see combat information by scrolling it on the screen in 3 configurable scrolling areas. There is a scroll area for incoming heals/damage, one for outgoing heals/damage,
A very small mod to modify the ChatFrames. There are no slash commands or GUI, to change any of the settings edit \'topChat.lua\' in a text editor such as notepad.exe. topChat can (and does by
WhispList displays a list of the 10 latest players who have whispered you, or players to who you whispered. A simple click on a player\'s name lets you whisper to this player. When the list is full
With this addon, you can assign buff to raid members. This addon actually works for priest, mage, paladin and druid. Look at the screenshot for more details :) To open the window, type
Instructions: - \"/cv\" to bring up the pannel - \"/cv help\" to bring up the help - You can use the dropdown in the Character Paperdoll to open CharactersViewer Version 2.0 Release
This add-on makes the process of casting Greater blessings easier for the paladin. To install it, extract the .zip file in InterfaceAddOns. The inteface is divided in 4 parts : * The \"+\"
This addon change de background color of portrait. For the target it change with the unit\'reaction. If the target is hostile so the color is red, neutral > yellow, Friendly > green. For all
Instructions: - \"/cv\" to bring up the pannel - \"/cv help\" to bring up the help - You can use the dropdown in the Character Paperdoll to open CharactersViewer Version 2.0 Release
This is a light weight mod that replaces the need for a macro to broadcast when a hunter casts tranqilizing shot. Instead of sending a message every time the macro is hit, just casting Tranqilizing