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Character Map UI

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-06-29 00:06:00
8 просмотров
find themselves needing to send tells to players whose name they can\'t type on their keyboard. Usage: The character map window can be opened/closed using \"/cm\" (a keybinding is also configurable). When open, clicking on the characters will cause them to be entered in the chat box if it is currently open; right-clicking will give you upppercase characters. The command \"/cm auto\" will set Character Map to open and close along with the chat EditBox. Known Issues: If you\'ve already started typing and then open the character map window (for example using a macro for \"/cm\" and clicking its button); in this case the edit box closes and any text you\'ve already entered is eaten. Update: Apparently this is because of the way macros work, and can\'t be fixed; thanks to Greeze for the explanation. Any other suggestions/bug-reports would be welcome.
Gives you a selection of characters not found on English keyboards, for entering into chat messages, and certain EditBoxes; hopefully it should make things easier for those people who sometimes
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