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Mean Mage Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-04-12 00:04:00
3 просмотра
partially on \'Mage Revenge\', but has many more functions. Features: * Automatically replies whenever someone whispers you with the words \'water\'/\'food\' or \'portal\' * Write 2 separate messages that will be sent depending on if you\'re asked for water/food or portals. * Not case sensitive * Will not send automatic replies to people in your group/raid * You can disable and enable MeanMage ingame * Starts enabled if you\'re a mage and disabled for other classes Instructions: To write your own automatic replies: Open the lua-file an a text editor and change the variables MeanMage_Reply and MeanMage_Reply2 on lines 11 and 14. Slash commands: Disable MeanMage: /mm off or /meanmage off Enable MeanMage: /mm on or /meanmage on To do: * Make it possible to change the automatic messages ingame, without having to open the lua-file, for better user friendliness * Not send automatic replies to guild-members. (maybe)
What does it do? This is an addon mainly for mages. It automatically replies with a message of your choice, whenever someone whispers you asking for water/food or portals. The addon builds
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