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Добавил: The DSystem
2005-06-16 00:06:00
10 просмотров
[b]Included AddOns:[/b] http://www.fischerfam.net/wowFiles/AddOns/ChopSUI/Contents.txt [b]Usage Information:[/b] http://www.fischerfam.net/wowFiles/AddOns/ChopSUI/Usage.txt [b]History of Changes:[/b] http://www.fischerfam.net/wowFiles/AddOns/ChopSUI/Changes.txt [b]Version 2.0:[/b] - Changed .toc files to match new patch. - Upgraded CT_PartyHealth - Upgraded FrameXML files to work with new UI options. Removed the following: - Crastos (will return in a newer version) [b]Things I want to add:[/b] - A button near the compass for "MoveAnything". I don't like it in the main menu. - A GUI set of options for each of the addons that are in ChopSUI, so they can be integrated into the myAddons AddOn. [b]Known Bugs:[/b] None [b]Small Tips:[/b]Delete everything in your World of Warcraft\Interface folder before installing new versions of your UI. (If you use Cosmos you will need to /leave the cosmos channel when you enter the game. You can get a list of the channels you are currently in by doing /chatlist) 2. Delete your SavedVariables.lua file in your WTF folder before you install ChopSUI for the first time when moving from another mod like Cosmos. (Make a backup copy of course if you use mapnotes or something like that.). That way your file is as small as possible to reduce lag. 3. If you have a pet, you need to open the the "PetActionBarFrame.lua" file in the FrameXML dir with notepad and edit these two lines to line it up how you want it to line up: PETACTIONBAR_YPOS = 94; PETACTIONBAR_XPOS = 36;If you are in-game and you edit/save the file you can just type: "/console reloadui" (without the quotes) to test it.
[b]Last Update:[/b] Version 2.0 (June 10, 2005 - 3:50pm CST) [b]Note:[/b] Delete the contents of your Interface folder before you install a new version of ChopSUI! Don't do a copy/overwrite.
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