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Добавил: The DSystem
2007-05-20 00:05:00
5 просмотров
for a while. It wasn\'t actively maintained, and so various people submitted patched versions (under new titles, as he didn\'t support uploading patches.) When he did get around to updating, he complained about the forks - and updates on the forks stopped. Since then, he hasn\'t updated his version again, either. As there were outstanding feature requests (some even from me), I made updates to the fork I liked the best, and submitted them as patches - but patches are apparently deleted after a time, so I had to keep submitting. As that\'s a hassle, I\'m releasing my own fork. I would be happy if Bigzero or Trouncer want to take this code as their own, and proceed on their work from there. Most of what follows is Bigzero\'s description of AutoProfitX, although I have modified it as appropriate for the changes I have made.
This addon facilitates quick or automated junk sales. Given the political history, I want to first make a few comments before describing the addon. Trouncer wrote AutoProfit, and things were good -
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