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TargetArmor v1.4

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-10-14 00:10:00
6 просмотров
mobs. Features: --Stores % reduction information by player, so having different level players on an account won\'t mess up each other\'s data. --Data stays up, even if your target is cleared, until you change targets. Quirks: --Remember that the mod shows *effective* armor, not necessarily *actual* armor rating. If a target is sundered or in berserker mode, its effective armor is less than its actual. I could detect sunder, but not berserker unless the target goes into berserker while in range. --A warrior with 3600 actual armor in berserker will show ~2200 effective armor. This is useful in pvp to see which warriors (or all classes for that matter) would, on average, take more damage. --I don\'t attempt to police your usage of /targetarmor. Incorrect use will generate lua errors. About the possibility of displaying *actual* armor vs. *effective* armor: There are too many skills out there that modify your damage or your target\'s ability to absorb damage that I cannot possibly find and track them all. Examples include Hunter\'s Mark, Dark Sayge\'s Fortune of Damage, Sunder Armor, Expose Armor, etc. The real purpose of this mod is to show you how your target can reduce its damage vs. another target, and to also give you some sort of heads up on the difficulty of a target. Known Issues: --When you level, the armor rating will be slightly inflated. It should go back down after a few kills. --/targetarmor showplayer does not work. I dunno why, its a low priority. Future possible features: --Add a browseable interface to check player/mob data without having to target them. --Show \"should be\" average melee and ranged hit damage and/or dps based on the target\'s estimated armor.
Displays the target\'s estimated armor rating and its % reduction on a movable frame. I have found the formula to go from % -> AC and have not found another mod to do so. Works on both players and
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