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Карта wetwerks для AHL

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=================================================================================== FINAL RELEASE DATE: December 20, 1999 =================================================================================== Title : Wetwerks Files : wetwerks.bsp, wetwerks.jrf Author : QS Email Address : quantumsaint@yahoo.com Homepage : http://start.at/the.page Description : A DM map for fraggin around in. Map includes all weapons except for the HORNET/HAND-O-LAG. =================================================================================== --ADDITIONAL CREDITS-- Playtesters: David S, Darrell, Merit, David C, Scott, Lurker Thanks for all the help. Big thanks to LURKER for all his support and help. Need more maps, check out LURKER'S LAIR- http://www.lowlife.com/lurker/ Big thanks to MUSTANG at GLOBALASSAULT for the support and running my maps on the GLOBALASSAULT server. Check out GLOBALASSAULT for more maps- http://www.globalassault.com Jumbot (artificial enimies) and THE FATAL. http://www.telefragged.com/thefatal/jumblow.shtml ========================================================================================= --PLAY INFORMATION-- Game : Half-Life Level Name : Wetwerks Files : wetwerks.bsp Single Player : No Cooperative : No DeathMatch : Yes DM Teamplay : Sure MAP # of PLAYERS : 4+ Difficulty Settings : No Platform(s) used : P200 64mb (non 3D accel), P200mmx 32mb Voodoo3-2000, P233 32mb (non 3Daccel), AMD K6 300 64MB Voodoo2, P2-400 64mb Voodoo2 Known bugs : None New sounds/textures/entities : HELL NO, I'M KEEPIN IT REAL:) Editor Used :WorldCraft 2.1 Compile Programs :Expert WC compile with QSCG2, QBSP, VIS, QRAD2 How long to build it :6 days for basic structure, about another month for actual tweaking and playtesting. How long to compile it :1 hour ============================================================================================ =========================================================================================== --LOADING INFORMATION-- Download, unzip, and put the .BSP file in your c:\sierra\half-life\valve\maps directory (your drive letter may be different). The JRF file goes in your jumbot\wpfiles\. Its that easy...Done --Additional Notes-- Map #12 More maps by me (since people keep emailing me about this): ARCANE arcane.bsp (230kb) 2-8 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/arcane.zip POWERCORE pwrcore.bsp (557kb) 4-10 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/pwrcore.zip TREMOR CANYON tcanyon.zip (460kb) 3-8 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/tcanyon.zip HAMMERED hammered.zip (506kb) 4-12 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/hammered.zip HAMMERED GUNPOWDER hgunpwdr.zip (341kb) 2-8 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/hgunpwdr.zip HAUNTED KEEP hauntedk.zip (443kb) 2-6 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/hauntedk.zip BLASTPIT blastpit.zip (229kb) 2-6 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/blastpit.zip THE YARD the_yard.zip (158kb) 2-4 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/the_yard.zip DON'T FALL dontfall.zip (287kb) 2-6 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/dontfall.zip BRICK HOUSE brickhse.zip (313kb) 2-8 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/brickhse.zip NORTHERN OUTPOST 676 n_out676.zip (171kb) 2-3 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/n_out676.zip THE ELECTRIC SNARK elesnark.zip (241kb) 2-4 players http://members.xoom.com/The_Page/hl/elesnark.zip ============================================================================================ --LEGAL-- This Half-Life map/level (Wetwerks-wetwerks.bsp) is (c) 1999 Stephen Smart. DO NOT put this level/map on any sort of commercial product or compilation unless you have permission from me. You MAY distribute this BSP file through any other means, provided you include this .txt file (unaltered) and it is free of charge. Do not modify this BSP or text file in any way.

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