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Карта agctf_omen для AG

Вы можете найти cервера с картой agctf_omen
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Просмотры: 259
Загрузки: 43
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.:: Map Information ::. Omen Adrenaline Gamer CTF agctf_omen.bsp Recommended Players: 6-12 .:: Author Information ::. Author: Andrew C. Weldon E-Mail: aweldon@planethalflife.com URL: http://planethalflife.com/awmaps/ .:: Map Description ::. Originally created for Op4CTF, this map has received a colored facelift for use in AGCTF. Op4ctf_omen was created as a 4-day distractionary map during a streak of 'mappers block' while working on ns_eclipse. I decided to release it upon completion, and when BulliT approached me about converting op4ctf_wormhole and op4ctf_gauntlet to AGCTF, I offered to convert this one as well. .:: Thanks to: ::. Valve Software Gearbox Software BulliT and AGCTF .:: Other Stuff ::. agctf_omen (c) 2002 Andrew Weldon Also see agctf_womrhole and agctf_gauntlet.

Список ресурсов карты agctf_omen