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Карта as_roulette для cs 1.6

Вы можете найти cервера с картой as_roulette
Нет изображения
Просмотры: 86
Загрузки: 32
Описание отсутствует
Map: as_roulette - Author: Grim-System - Gameplay: Assassination - Thanks: CrOw - E-mail: AlastorX@hotmail.com - AIM: Demon Force X - Background: WTF? you should know what this map looks like by now, does it look like it can have a desc? it's roulette with T's and CT's! - Terrorists: Kill the VIP before the little shit can reach the center and escape the roulette table. - Counter-Terrorists: Get the VIP to the center safetly and alive at that. - GOOD LUCK! - (Press FIRE to continue)

Список ресурсов карты as_roulette