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Карта awp_dustsnipe для cs 1.6

Вы можете найти cервера с картой awp_dustsnipe
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Просмотры: 132
Загрузки: 22
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Welcome to awp_dustsnipe! This is a more complex awp map. There are Four levels: Top: Two sniping towers 1st: Long platform Ground: Main arena, player starts Basement: Darkened road This map is set in a desert and the lighting and textures go with this theme. By this I mean the textures are dust ones, and the lighting is very bright on the roof, and dark underground. Neither team is able to buy. For a buying-enabled map, use awp_dustsnipe_buy This is a dust version of an awp map. It has nothing to do with awp_dust. Mapper: [mEo!] Textures: Dave.J (Dust wad pack) Email: meo@meosoft.tk Website: www.meosoft.tk Press Fire to Play!

Список ресурсов карты awp_dustsnipe