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Карта awp_squareside для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 95
Загрузки: 47
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AWP_SQUARESIDE created by BoNnYfUcKeR -------------------------------------- Hi there! Thanks for downloading and playing my first real map! I hope you enjoy it. I worked like, 1 week to get to this result (+ creating waypoints for POD-BOT). I know its long but hey, like I said: its my first real map. I would like to thank HoRnYdEvIl for giving me hints (those tunnels were a good idea!). And the guy(s) who made the turorial on mapping for cs! (to see the tutorial go to "www.cs-mapping.jolt.co.uk") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The point of the map is verry simple: shoot the other team! For the guys who don't get that simple litle thing: Terrorists ---------- Shoot the counter-terrorists before they shoot you! Counter Terrorists ------------------ Shoot the terrorists before they shoot you! Still don't get it? ------------------- reason: you're verry dumb! sullotion: be less dumber! Another thing: if the server you're playing on forbids you to buy an AWP then you're lucky! the AWP's are for free! (THANK YOU BoNnYfUcKeR). But then again it is an AWP map. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have another question or a request or something else then send an e-mail to: dezutter_tim@hotmail.com You can also ask me to do waypoints for a map you made. Mail me (adress above) and offcourse clip the map! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

Список ресурсов карты awp_squareside