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Карта boxcutter для cs 1.6

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======================================================= Boxcutter a Half-Life Deathmatch Experience by DocRock ======================================================= Map Name: boxcutter.bsp Author: DocRock Author email: docrock10@hotmail.com Release date: Feb 9, 2018 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doc.rock.988 ======================================================= LEVEL DESCRIPTION: Map description: A Half-Life deathmatch map set in a cardboard box processing center wadincluded in map: boxcutter.wad 98% of the textures used in this map were created by DiscountKiller. ======================================================= CONSTRUCTION: editor used: Hammer 3.5 utilities used: Vluzacn's 64 bit compile tools Paintshop Wally Half-Life model viewer Goldwave compile machine: Windows 10 Shuttle R8 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K 4.20 Ghz 64.0 GB RAM Quadro GeForce compile time: 2 minutes ======================================================= INSTALLATION: 1. Run Winrar and unzip boxcutter.rar 2. Open the boxcutter folder and place the boxcutter.bsp, boxcutter.res, and boxcutter.txt in your valve/maps folder. 3. Place the 6 (six) uetz.tga files into your valve/gfx/env folder. 4. Put the box sound folder in the valve/sound folder. 5. Place the box models folder inside the valve/models folder. 6. Place the special player models in the valve/models/player folder. ======================================================= SPECIAL THANKS: To my babykitkat, my lover, my sweetheart, my wife. I love you!! My #1 fan, thanks baby for playtesting and helping me with this awesome map! I DEDICATE THIS TO YOU! Thanks to DiscountKiller for the textures. Excellent job man. This map would've never been made without your creativity. Thanks for the inspiration! Thanks to CreepItAll for the box model and player models. BETA TESTERS: babykitkat DiscountKiller SilentRunner007 CreepItAll

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