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Карта cs_ground_maze_b1 для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 80
Загрузки: 19
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cs_ground_maze_b1 just 2 rooms and a maze in the middle. The ct have the ladder so they can block the door or jump up to the lamp. terror can camp at the basement so they are harder to find. !!!WARINING THIS IS BETA ONLY!!! Terror: kill the top fragger in the ct and the ct CT: same as terror but surprise them More to cum: Sewer , tower , weapon , more camp spot , and hostage.... THIS MAP IS MADE BY [T]H[E]^^[R]A[P]P[E]R. U CAN FIND ME AT DO NOT USE THIS MAP FOR OTHER THING........... U have any thing to ask or making this map more good and fun ask me at my e-mail: unreal_fighter@msn.com

Список ресурсов карты cs_ground_maze_b1