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Карта cs_jedi для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 77
Загрузки: 13
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cs_jedi by Mushroom, email mrvonbeer@hotmail The Imperial Forces have captured a small Rebel spy craft that was gathering Data from the small forest Moon, Endor! They have retained hold of the Captain, Cheif Science Officer and the Mechanised Infantries Recon leader. All the other crew members have been executed! The three hostages are being tortured for information, Rumour has it Darth-Vader is on his the way to use his Jedi powers to Glean the information from them. Counter-Terrorists: You are a small rebel contingent that has avoided Detection Rescue the Hostages and make your escape in the Imperial Shuttle Terrorists: Prevent the rebel Alliance team from rescuing the hostages.

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