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Карта cs_transylvania для cs 1.6

Нет изображения
Просмотры: 95
Загрузки: 340
Описание отсутствует
cs_transylvania (max. 16 vs 16) by Razor (design, mapping, texturing and testing) razor87_@hotmail.com - http://www.tauriainen.info k_k (original design, testing) Gremmy (design, testing) greetings to Indie nrk TechnoPenguin tontza666 Waleu A group of scientist uncovered the body of Dracula from a crypt of a Transylvanian mansion. This started the research to unlock the mysteries of Dracula. A terrorist group found out about this research and invaded the mansion taking the most bright scientists as hostages forcing them to focus their efforts to turning Draculas secrets into weapons. Now a group of elite counter-terrorist forces soldiers have been sent to resolve the situation and eliminate the terrorist threat...

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