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Карта de_artmuseum для cs 1.6

Вы можете найти cервера с картой de_artmuseum
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Просмотры: 85
Загрузки: 49
Описание отсутствует
DE_ARTMUSEUM By Botumys Targets : The Great statue : Eugene Verdom sculpted this work 30 years ago, in honor of anti-terrorists. An eyesore for 30 years which must be destroyed ! The painting : Former hunter, Leon Bazar, makes good use of his rural education to fire off his hatred of terrorism. A masterpiece screaming to be demolished. Film : Un Chien Andalou. Showtime 20h00. Not recommended for the faint of heart. max players : 20 thx to adn, for additionals mappings and site web.

Список ресурсов карты de_artmuseum